The Fridge

A few days ago on Twitter I saw this:

Curiosity got to me and I asked what the “fridge” was. @MickieGibbs2 sent me this link to Scaffolded Math and Science website. It describes exactly what the fridge is. Continue reading

The problem with Time

One of my biggest frustrations as a teacher is when pupils make errors in calculations, not due to lack of understanding of the maths, but lack of knowledge about the basic facts of time.

If I had £1 for every time a pupil told me there are 48 weeks in a year, I would be pretty wealthy. Many don’t know how many days are in a year or even what a leap year is. Worst of all is not knowing how many days are in each month. I know all my pupils will have learned these all before but never remember them. Maybe in the day of electronic gadgets they don’t need to know these facts but it would be nice if they did.

To combat this, I have made these posters to display in my classroom. Continue reading