This week – no.4

After the calm of having fewer classes for the past two weeks it was back to full on teaching this week. Things were even busier with a staff member off and having to cover classes.

Here’s the overview of the past week:

S2 – we completed our work on volume and surface area with further practice of mixed questions. I displayed the answers to the questions on the board to provide a self-check for the pupils. (Questions taken from Continue reading

My Favourite – Fractions

Week 2 of the 2016 Blogging Initative!

When I read the second challenge for the 2016 Blogging Initiative, my instant reaction was “I love fractions”.

My twitter name is @fractionfanatic and all my pupils at school know I love fractions. But why do I love fractions?

The main reason is that they are accurate and far easier to work with than decimals.

Here are some examples: Continue reading