Solving Trig Equations Red Amber Green

A while back I blogged about one of my favourite tasks Red Amber Green. This is a task structure that I used to use regularly but recently I have not. I have no idea why not as it is a perfect task for any year group and perfect for mixed ability groups. I am hoping that by refreshing my memory of Red Amber Green tasks I will start to use again in class.

Here is a brief reminder of the task: Continue reading

Find Someone Who …

I’ve used this activity before but can’t quite remember when. Sometimes I get caught up in new activities that I forget about the great ones I’ve used before.

This is “Find Someone Who”

It’s a pretty simple concept that I’m sure most people have seen before. I love that this activity gets everyone up and moving and talking to each other.

I used it this week with a Types of Number review. Continue reading

0 to 49 Cards

Here is a little task that the new S1 pupils will be completing in their Numeracy lessons this week. There will be three different sets of these cards so pupils will not be able to see the answers at another table.

The concept is simple – the statements on the cards all give an answer from 0 to 49. The task of each group is to put the statements in numerical order from 0 to 49.

Here are some of the statements: Continue reading

First Day Activities

What is your favourite icebreaker or first day of school activity?

My first day of school with my classes actually happens in June not August with the exception of the new S1. So some of these icebreakers and first day activities I have already done this year.

I like to start classes with a problem solving task. This gives me great insight into how well the pupils follow instructions, tackle a problem, work with each other, communicate results and engage with a challenge.

Here are some of the different problem solving tasks I like to set: Continue reading