
I spend a lot of time planning my lessons. How will I introduce a topic? What investigation, task or activity do I want my pupils to complete? What homework do I want to set?

What I often neglect to think about is how to end my lessons. Most of my lessons end with me looking at the clock and realising we only have one minute until the bell and have to spend that time packing up.

I have been trying to focus more on simple plenaries that do not need much prior preparation but are effective.

Here are a few I have been trying: Continue reading

Learning Intentions and PPPB

In a previous post Reflections on Last Term I talked about some formative assessments strategies I have been using. Here are some more details about these strategies.

Learning Intentions

I used to give pupils a list of learning intentions for each block of work at the end of each block for them to use for revision. However, last term I focussed on making pupil notes far more interactive so I decided to give out the learning intentions for each topic in each block at the start of each topic.

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