This week – no.8

This week was a pretty poor teaching week for me. I felt that most of my lessons were pretty lacklustre. I think the problem was that all my time was taken up with other school related tasks that my own planning got put to the end of my list. I don’t like when this happens but it’s the reality that occurs sometimes. After a tough week I was feeling like I didn’t want to attend the Moray Maths Conference on Saturday. However, I am really glad I went. The conference reenergised me and I came away with lots of ideas to implement. My only concern is that I won’t have time to do this – but I must try to make time as it is important to focus on teaching and learning.

So this post I am going to write about my takeaways from the conference instead of my lessons from the past week. Hopefully there is something useful for other teachers to takeaway too. Continue reading

#1TMCThing ~ Expand the MTBos

I joined Twitter this time last year and it has been a wonderful experience. I have found inspiration from teachers all around the world, read blogs which provide resources, teaching methodology and much more. I have shared the goings on in my classroom through #teach180 and my blog in a hope to give something back.

I find myself a little disconnected with it all lately and I finally figured out why. For the past few weeks there have been many tweets about TMC16. Before, during and after. Reading these tweets have made me sad. Despite being full of enthusiasm and passion, teaching and learning, enjoyment and ideas; they highlight how alone I often feel in the Twitter world and that I am missing out on something really special. Continue reading