Questions that promote thinking

I came across this document awhile back on Twitter.

The link to this document is here. The poster has 100 questions for teachers to ask students to promote mathematical thinking and classroom discussion. I was really drawn to these and wanted a way to implement these in my classroom. Many of these questions I ask on a regular basis but felt that many of these questions would be very useful for my students to ask themselves as well. My problem was how to interpret these and display these in a helpful way.

Then yesterday I saw these on Twitter:


Both of these inspired me to look again at the 100 Questions poster and see if I could come up with something for my students. Here is what I’ve come up with:


I am hoping that these questions will give my students something to consider when solving a problem before asking me for help. I would love to hear what anybody thinks and if there are changes I should make. My Questions can be found here.

3 thoughts on “Questions that promote thinking

  1. This is awesome! I like that your questions are more meta-cognitive where the students are self-analyzing their thinking and the reasonableness of their answers. Thank you for sharing!


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